Hi! I’m Sam


I created Family Healer in the winter of 2017 after the birth of my daughter and a deep desire to raise her with the habits of daily living that have healed me. I had a lifetime of allergies, asthma, auto-immune dysfunction since early childhood.

I was frequently on steroids and antibiotics during childhood to control my symptoms. I was unaware of how much my diet and lifestyle was already effecting my health. I was in and out of the emergency room and doctors clinics regularly. This lead me to an interest in medicine and I became an RN in 2001 focusing my career in pediatrics and kidney dialysis. In 2009 my health began to get worse despite seeing specialists and taking a myriad of medications to treat my symptoms. In 2011 I was diagnosed with papillary thyroid cancer. I knew something had to change in how I was participating in my life and health.

Through the challenging years of living with chronic disease my frustration grew as a patient. None of my providers seemed to be looking at the whole picture or me as a human. Instead, I was another "interesting case" for students to step in and see how complicated a case could be. I began to look everywhere for answers.

I intuitively felt I needed to take more of a leadership role in what was going to heal me. Gradually I stopped outsourcing my wellness to others and started listening more deeply to my needs and the stories I was telling myself about my health.  My healing journey began with turning to a naturopath 2011 after my cancer diagnosis.

In 2013 I began to pursue my education in Ayurvedic studies . During this time I learned that the answers to my wellness were deep inside of me. As I worked and studied Ayur (self) Veda (knowledge) I began to see how disconnected from self and nature I had become. This lead to inflammation in my body and a stress filled orientation to life.  

I'm proud to say that since focusing on my wellness and becoming my own healer I am cancer, asthma, and auto-immune dysfunction free! I'm confident that no matter what state of health you are in now I can help you to start listening deeply and living in better balance with you. I promise that if you are willing to make a commitment to your wellness you can become your own healer too!


Ready to get started?


Join one of my online courses to get guidance for every step of your healing journey!

Become Your Own Healer.


Learn the habits and routines you need to increase your immune strength, destress your life, and improve your relationship with yourself and others. 

More about BYOH

5 Sense Cleanse


Every spring and fall the BYOH community joins together to slow down and care for all 5 senses.

Why Cleanse Seasonally Video